The Sports Coaching Hub Podcast
Welcome to Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Coaching Hub Podcast.
Led by Dr Christian Edwards, the Coaching Hub is a space where cutting-edge research is developed and partnerships with National and International Government Bodies are established, offering consultancy services and coach education courses.
In each episode, our guests will share their knowledge and experiences and have research-informed conversations with Dr Manuel Santos, Dr Mike Castle and Dr Oli Lum, about the practical implications of their work in the coaching field.
Disgrifiad y podlediad
Croeso i Bodlediad Hyb Hyfforddi Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd.
Dan arweiniad Dr Christian Edwards, mae’r Hyb Hyfforddi yn ofod lle mae ymchwil flaengar yn cael ei datblygu a phartneriaethau’n cael eu sefydlu gyda Chyrff Llywodraeth Genedlaethol a Rhyngwladol, gan gynnig gwasanaethau ymgynghori a chyrsiau addysgu hyfforddwyr.
Ym mhob pennod bydd ein gwesteion yn rhannu eu gwybodaeth a’u profiadau, gan gael sgyrsiau wedi’u llywio gan ymchwil am oblygiadau ymarferol eu gwaith yn y maes hyfforddi.
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The Sports Coaching Hub Podcast
Dr Oli Lum and Dr Gethin Thomas on "Being fast and running fast"
In this episode, our host became the guest - Dr Oli Lum presented some of the findings of his thesis that will be soon published. Mike Castle and Oli were joined Dr Gethin Thomas, who was Oli's Director of Studies. They looked back at Oli's first steps in his doctoral studies, at how he gained the trust of elite athletics coaches and at some of the findings and implications of the paper.
Enjoy the episode!
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